
Box Tops For Education


Fall Boxtops Collection Date: October 20th

Get your BoxTops for Education gathered from your office drawers and the bottom of your pocketbooks and around your kitchen counters and send them all in with your children(dates to be determined). And THANK YOU for supporting your school by giving us those valuable cardboard rectangles.


  1. Signup at www.btfe.com (enter 145114 for Henry School) for sweepstakes and recipes!
  2. Signup at www.growinglocallearning.com for bonus box tops, coupons, and referral points!
  3. Register your Shoprite Price Plus cards at http://shopriteformyschool.com
  4. Download the BoxTops Bonus App for your phone.
  5. Check your grocery store receipts for bonus box tops.
If every parent signs up for just two of these we can reach our goal for the school year before we even clip a box top.

You can bring box tops to the next PTA meeting, drop them off in the school office, or send them in your child’s communication folder.

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