If you’ve ever stepped onto CW Henry’s lower schoolyard and kicked a piece of loose asphalt, watched too-many-kids try to play on the equipment, wished for a greener playspace, longed for a bench while you chatted with friends… now is the time for action! You can impact the lives of hundreds of children by making a donation of any size.
Most importantly, share our campaign with your social network. You might be friends with someone who is looking to improve the world, one corner at a time!
Learn more here: https://www.cwhenrypta.org/schoolyard-project/
(including how to make a donation without paying any fees)
CW Henry Elementary is a vibrant public school in Northwest Philadelphia, serving over 475 children in kindergarten through 8th grade.
Our playground is in need of a renovation! Please help the C.W. Henry School PTA raise the funds needed to make our playground safer, better, and greener.
We currently have a mid-sized playground structure that was donated approximately 10 years ago. This structure accommodates approximately 20 students at a time, however we have 150+ students out at each recess period. We plan to add additional play equipment to safely accommodate more children, including elements that will appeal to our middle school students.
In addition, our existing surface is so badly degraded that it presents real safety issues as children run and play ball games. We need to de-pave and level the schoolyard before laying a smooth surface in order to create a long-term solution.
While addressing those issues, we also aim to green the schoolyard by turning some areas from blacktop to landscaped areas, and adding a permeable rubber surface under the playstructure.
In addition to serving the school community, improvements to the safety and look of the schoolyard will strengthen it as a welcoming gathering place for neighbors and community resource. We are located in the heart of the Mt. Airy Village, and our schoolyard also serves near neighbors as well as local families who frequent the playground as their families shop at the businesses surrounding the school.
The total cost of the renovation is estimated at $220K.
Your gift today, in any amount, will help to move us towards our goal and demonstrate community support for the project, which will be important as the PTA applies for grants and other funding opportunities.