Are you training for the Philadelphia Marathon or looking for a leisurely end of season run? Well, then we have the run for you! This is a 5k run/1 Mile walk through the streets of beautiful West Mt. Airy.
The C.W. Henry School PTA and West Mt. Airy Neighbors
4th Annual Turket Trot
601 Carpenter Lane
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19119
7:30am – On-Site Registration Opens
8:30am – 5K Run Starts
9:00am – 1 Mile Walk Starts
Early Registration (by 11/08) $25 Run, $15 Walk.
Late & Day of Registration $30 Run, $20 Walk
EVENT IS RAIN OR SHINE! Dress in your best turkey outfit.
Children can participate in a fun, low-pressure 1k walk around the neighborhood with their friends.
To Register:
Go to
Come out and support our school’s PTA and neighborhood organization.