Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities


Want to help our school?

We could use volunteers for the following events and activities in the upcoming weeks.

Some require just a half hour while others require a few hours.


Cherrydale Support

Cherrydale is the PTA’s largest fundraiser of the year and to make it successful, it takes a lot of folks helping out.  Do you have time to help sort boxes when the orders arrive?  Please email cwhenrypta@gmail.com to volunteer.

Fall Clean Up Day

Come on out for a Fall clean up to keep our school beautiful and maintained for our kids and our community. Stay as long or as little as you are able! Morning and afternoon shifts available. We will break to share some grub from 12-1. Hot dogs will be provided. Feel free to bring a side to share!


Scholastic Book Fair

Our Scholastic Book Fair is a reading event that brings kids the books they want to read. We’ll receive a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level, and all purchases benefit our school!

Reading for pleasure inside and outside of school has real and long-lasting benefits. Please come to our book fair and help shape your child’s reading habits.


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